No Automatic Retry on "Copying files from remote side failed."



No Automatic Retry on "Copying files from remote side failed."

Whenever a transfer is failed and contains: "Copying files from remote side failed.", WinSCP do not do auto retry. Settings under "Endurance" in Preferences has all been set. There are screenshot attached for reference.

Is there any way I could make WinSCP do an auto retry? Or could this be a "feature request"?

Description: The endurance preferences

Annotation 2020-04-13 085004.png

Description: Error dialog

Annotation 2020-04-13 084851.png

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: No Automatic Retry on "Copying files from remote side failed."

Please attach a full session log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate the session log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

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I'll get back to you soon when I encounter the error again (I'll try until I get it). The server is a server which i have no access to (an FTP server from my University faculty).

A related thread was already created in the past, though as per to unspoken forum rules, I refrained from necro posting especially with the fact it was many years ago. Such is the link:

What is particularly similar with me and the OP is that this happens randomly. Though however, to the best of my attempts, this may be a problem with the server and not with my personal setup as this can also happen on other different machines and clients too! Fortunately, "Retry" works and the files will resume download with their integrity intact.

Which is why I wish for auto-retry to work for this particular error. It would be nice to be able to download huge files without having to attend the program.

An alternative FTP client would able to auto retry on error. But hey I love this client more!

Sorry for the wall of text, as mentioned earlier, I will come back with a session log


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Looking for help or an automatic retry when uploading files

Continuing this same topic, I am encountering the same issue. My package has been running fine for months, but now the last 3 days the process is bombing on the step to upload files. I have about 700-900 PDF files to upload once per day. When I do this manually through the interface there are about 20 files that result in the "Copying files to remote side failed" error. I can simply click "Retry" and it immediately works as expected and continues on until it reaches another problem file. I don't see any reason that these files would fail. I confirmed I can reach them and open them and they aren't corrupt or huge in size or anything.

I've attached a screenshot of the error and the .log and .xml files from enabling logging.

Thank you!
  • (353.18 KB, Private file)
Description: Screenshot of the error and the .log and .xml files from enabling logging

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Looking for help or an automatic retry when uploading files

@dnc619: Are you using the latest version of WinSCP? Please post complete log file from the latest version. Do I understand right that you are normally using scripting for the task?

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Re: Looking for help or an automatic retry when uploading files

Hi Martin. I confirmed that I am running the latest version. Attached is today's log (with the same ongoing intermittent errors) and screenshots of the version in use.

Included in the attachment package is the BAT file that we are running to launch the FTP_COMMANDS to make the WinSCP connection.

Let me know if there's anything else I can provide. Still looking for a way to force a graceful retry when they failures occur.

  • (429.82 KB, Private file)

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Looking for help or an automatic retry when uploading files

@dnc619: You have posted a script, but a log from from the GUI. So are we solving a GUI or scripting problem? Please focus one of them only for now. If you have problems with the script, please attach a script log.

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Re: Looking for help or an automatic retry when uploading files

They seem to be one in the same, but sure, let's please start with focusing on the GUI. When logged into the GUI and selecting 1000 files to copy over, I have to manually press "Retry" when one of the files encounters a temporary error. I press Retry and the process continues on as usual. Is there is way to configure an automatic Retry without user intervention?

Thank you.

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Re: Looking for help or an automatic retry when uploading files

Martin, thank you so much! This new build worked both within the GUI and for my script package. With this build, it now honors the "disconnect" settings on the Endurance tab and gracefully (automatically) retries the connection. The previous version required user input.

Thanks again!!!

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