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Scripting / Automation
How to call WinSCP without hostkey
Incremental Backup
WinSCP command doesn't execute in scheduled batch file intermittently
Keepuptodate error, could not retrieve directory listing, failed to change directory
Upload 2 specific latest files to remote server
Use a script to run an exe on the active session machine
Download specific files from a folder
VB6 scripting example
Error: Exception calling "Open" with "1" argument(s): "Connection failed."
WinSCP batch script is not is not downloading latest file
Cisco Duo and WinSCP
Remote connection via tunnel works on GUI but not on script
Ambiguous command ' '
How do we use a separate connections.xml, from the Winscp.exe command line?
Script using is unable transfer file to destination. Able to transfer with WinSCP client
AWS server can transfer via GUI but not via scripting
Getting and error with host key...
How to force close cmd box on Win 10 after running script.
Connect to a Docker container
Need to move files from one folder to the other, renamed with timestamp.
Exit code 1 immediately after Active session created.
Wrong file time for some files
Delete files on remote server
Intune/MEM - Can't get app to deploy
Error Code 5
Problem with filemask/exclude
Download specific files by name
How does SYNC handle open server files actively being written to?
Automatic File Transfer
Synchronize Result Logging
Using $session.MoveFile
Can't create file 'c:\WINDOWS\system32\null Windows 10
"Server sent passive reply with unroutable address, using host address instead."
I need to synchronize only specified files and folders in a location.
Sending parameters from cmd line to use within script
Automated job used to work but now says HOST KEY DOES NOT MATCH KEY FINGERPRINT
Automate file transfer from local c: to sftp e:
No overwrite existing file
500 Internal server error - Causing Script to fail
Batch does not wait for WinSCP FTP script to complete before going to next sommand
How can I rewrite this code and stores it in a variable
Decrease number of retries when disconnected
Batch File will not rename files on FTP Server
WinSCP Extension Archive remote files to ZIP archive... No GUI?
Getting error while using this script file name, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect
WinSCP SFTP PUT fails intermittently, creates directory instead of copy file
filepart transfer issues – HELP needed with script
get não é reconhecido como comando interno em cmd
Synchronize & Compare files only older than "X"
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