Synchronise documentation



Synchronise documentation


I've been looking for the documentation of using the Synchronise functionality as I don't want to make a mistake copying my remote directory to my local, but I cannot find any meaningful information on the options. Worse, sometimes I read 'synchronise TO folder', and sometimes 'synchronise FROM folder' which doesn't help me to choose which option to select.

I also read the posts from people who have made this mistake and want to undo the copy :)

The FAQ says synchronise functionlaity doesn't exist, so.. can you tell me anf the forum:

Which option do I choose if I want to synchronise (copy) files from my remote server to my local drive?

What does the 'Both' option do?

thank you.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Synchronise documentation

There are three options in "Synchronize options":
Local: Apply changes from remote directory to local directory. Only local directory is modified. If new or modified file is found in remote directory it is copied to local directory. If file is found in local directory not existing in remote one (and "delete files" is checked), the local file is deleted.
Remote: vice versa
Both: Files not existing in the opposite directory as well as modified files are transfered to the other one. No deletion occurs.

Which option do I choose if I want to synchronise (copy) files from my remote server to my local drive?

Also note that by default the active panel is treated as source panel, as with other operations. So if you have focus on remote panel and click "Synchronize", the "Local" option will be selected, meaning that you are going to synchronize from remote panel to local one. And vice versa. This of course applies only to Commander interface.


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