Putting multiple files on FTP Server
Hi Guys,
Looking for your expertise. I have a script that runs as a batch file, launches WinSCP, calls a separate file, and successfully moves a file to my ftp server. I need to alter this script to move all files within the Internal Server directory such as *.*, but can't get the syntax correct. The files would most likely have different extensions. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. My scripts are below:
Batch File Contents:
IF EXIST "\\InternalServer\FileShare\FTPFile.txt" (
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /console /script=C:\WINSCP_Test_Scripts_12_22_13\ToFTPServer.txt /log="C:\WINSCP_Test_Scripts_12_22_13\ToFTP.log"
ToFTPServer.txt Contents:
open sftp://User1:Password@IPAddress
option transfer binary
option confirm off
cd /home/FTPUSer/Userdir/
lcd \\InternalServer\FileShare\
put FTPFile.txt FTPFile.txt -delete
Again, looking for a wild card format with the put command, that way if my end user puts multiple files in this directory, the script will grab all of them and move them to the ftp server.
Thanks in advance everyone!
Looking for your expertise. I have a script that runs as a batch file, launches WinSCP, calls a separate file, and successfully moves a file to my ftp server. I need to alter this script to move all files within the Internal Server directory such as *.*, but can't get the syntax correct. The files would most likely have different extensions. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. My scripts are below:
Batch File Contents:
IF EXIST "\\InternalServer\FileShare\FTPFile.txt" (
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /console /script=C:\WINSCP_Test_Scripts_12_22_13\ToFTPServer.txt /log="C:\WINSCP_Test_Scripts_12_22_13\ToFTP.log"
ToFTPServer.txt Contents:
open sftp://User1:Password@IPAddress
option transfer binary
option confirm off
cd /home/FTPUSer/Userdir/
lcd \\InternalServer\FileShare\
put FTPFile.txt FTPFile.txt -delete
Again, looking for a wild card format with the put command, that way if my end user puts multiple files in this directory, the script will grab all of them and move them to the ftp server.
Thanks in advance everyone!