loop through folder to put files in different folders on FTPserver
Currently i'm using a script to put files on a ftpserver, I'm using this script as a scheduled task.
I have multiple .zip files that i put on the root folder of the ftpserver.
My recipient have asked me to change this method.
The ftpserver has got subfolders with the same name as a the files i'm putting there.
My recipient have asked me to put the files in the corresponding subfolder.
Is there a way to loop through the localfolder and put the files in a same-named subfolder?
I was thinking about:
Respons in Logfile:
Currently i'm using a script to put files on a ftpserver, I'm using this script as a scheduled task.
I have multiple .zip files that i put on the root folder of the ftpserver.
My recipient have asked me to change this method.
The ftpserver has got subfolders with the same name as a the files i'm putting there.
My recipient have asked me to put the files in the corresponding subfolder.
Is there a way to loop through the localfolder and put the files in a same-named subfolder?
I was thinking about:
D:\apps\WinSCP\WinSCP.com /log="D:\Scripts\Logs\WinScp\WinScpCogix%DATE%.log" /ini=nul /script="D:\Scripts\Cogix\28\WinSCPscriptCogix2.txt" /parameter %1 ren %1 *.zip rem forfiles /P "D:\Script\Logs\WinScp" /S /M *.* /D -30 /C "cmd /c del @path" EXIT %ERRORLEVEL%
open sftp://user:Password@ftp.server.nl/ -hostkey="ssh-rsa ......." -rawsettings FSProtocol=2 # Upload file lcd D:\Export\Cogix\28 cd \%1% Put %1% exit
Respons in Logfile:
* 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 (ECommand) Error changing directory to '\%1%'.
* 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Cannot get real path for '/\%1%'.
* 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 No such file or directory.
* 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Error code: 2
* 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Error message from server ( Error: No such file or directory): Error: No such file or directory
< 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Script: Error changing directory to '\%1%'.
< 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Cannot get real path for '/\%1%'.
< 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 No such file or directory.
< 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Error code: 2
< 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Error message from server ( Error: No such file or directory): Error: No such file or directory
< 2018-05-01 12:33:24.881 Script: /