Busy icon after failed session connect



Busy icon after failed session connect

I’m running the latest version of WinSCP (5.13.3 Build 8565) on a PC running Windows 8.1. My issue occurs when I currently have one remote session running. When I attempt to start a New Session that happens to be to a site that fails to connect, when I close the failed connection popup window, the cursor remains the hourglass icon, rather than going back to the standard arrow icon. This is therefore relatively annoying. I don’t remember this being a problem on earlier versions of WinSCP. I’ve created a short video showing the interaction in question.

I attempted to upload a mp4 video of the intereaction, but the website kept complaining that the file was empty (it wasn't). I therefore uploaded the video to my website: http://donretzlaff.com/misc/WinSCPinteraction.mp4

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