"Internal Server Error" delted local folders!
I have a script that has been running successfully for a couple years. Yesterday it got a "500 Internal Server Error" and deleted two folders on the local server that had hundreds of folders with tens of thousands of files. Fortunately, I was able to restore the folders from a backup. Below is the log from when this happened.
Is there a setting I'm missing? Is this a bug? The local folders shouldn't have been deleted just from an internal server error.
Is there a setting I'm missing? Is this a bug? The local folders shouldn't have been deleted just from an internal server error.
X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient>"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.com" /script=FormularyDownload.WinSCP.PROD.scp /timeout=120 batch continue reconnecttime 120 echo on option echo on batch continue confirm off reconnecttime 120 failonnomatch off open https://xxxxxxx:***@files.xxxx.net/webdav -timeout=120 Connecting to host... Authenticating... Authenticated. Starting the session... Error changing directory to '/webdav'. 500 Internal Server Error Session started. Active session: [1] xxxxxxx:***@files.xxxx.net synchronize local X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\xxxx\webdav\Formulary /webdav/Formulary -delete -criteria=either Comparing... Local 'X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\zzzzz\webdav\Formulary' <= Remote '/webdav/Formulary' Error listing directory '/webdav/Formulary'. 500 Internal Server Error (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Skip Synchronizing... Local 'X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\zzzzz\webdav\Formulary' <= Remote '/webdav/Formulary' 'X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\zzzzz\webdav\Formulary\FBS_1_0' deleted 'X:\FormularyDirectory\etc\DavClient\downloads\zzzzz\webdav\Formulary\FBS_3_0' deleted exit