Keepuptodate pushing files from starting my script
---SFTPSynch File---
---winscpsynch file----------------
Use Case:
The script failed the below use case.
If I delete or move files to another folder, it will recreate the newly generated file. These are the steps to reproduce:
Create a folder with a file named 1.
Run you sync script. You should see 1 in the SFTP folder.
Add a new file locally and name it 2.
The file will be synced to SFTP.
Create a new folder in the SFTP call it archive.
Move 1 and 2 in the SFTP to the archive folder.
Add a new file locally call it 3.
Now you'll see 2 files in the SFTP, 2 and 3.
Expected result: only 3 should be synced as 2 had been synced already.
Root Cause : I am passing TIMESTAMP at starting of Keep uptodate i..e it pushes files from that time.How can we update the time to current time?
---SFTPSynch File---
@echo off for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in (config.txt) do ( if %%a==SourceDirectory set SourceDirectory=%%b if %%a==SFTPUserName set SFTPUserName=%%b if %%a==SFTPPassword set SFTPPassword=%%b if %%a==SFTPIP set SFTPIP=%%b if %%a==SFTPFolderLocation set SFTPFolderLocation=%%b if %%a==HostKey set HostKey=%%b ) echo %SourceDirectory% echo %SFTPUserName% echo %SFTPPassword% echo %SFTPIP% echo %SFTPFolderLocation% echo %HostKey% /ini=nul /script=winscpsynch /parameter %SourceDirectory% %SFTPUserName% %SFTPPassword% %SFTPIP% %SFTPFolderLocation% %HostKey% pause
echo Starting WinSCP Utility echo %1% echo %2% echo %3% echo %4% echo %5% echo %6% open sftp://%2%:%3%@%4%/ -hostkey=%6% echo %TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]% # synchronize first time synchronize remote %1% %5% # run keepuptodate keepuptodate %1% %5% -filemask="*>=%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]%" exit
The script failed the below use case.
If I delete or move files to another folder, it will recreate the newly generated file. These are the steps to reproduce:
Create a folder with a file named 1.
Run you sync script. You should see 1 in the SFTP folder.
Add a new file locally and name it 2.
The file will be synced to SFTP.
Create a new folder in the SFTP call it archive.
Move 1 and 2 in the SFTP to the archive folder.
Add a new file locally call it 3.
Now you'll see 2 files in the SFTP, 2 and 3.
Expected result: only 3 should be synced as 2 had been synced already.
Root Cause : I am passing TIMESTAMP at starting of Keep uptodate i..e it pushes files from that time.How can we update the time to current time?