Put File Asterik in Destination Folder Name



Put File Asterik in Destination Folder Name

I have a client who want files upload to a folder with an asterisk in their folder name. When I as this so my session putfile it removed the * and appends the rest of the folder name to my filename that i am uploading. for instance file name TestFile1234.txt destination folder
\upload\*BIN when I run the session put file it tries to upload to \upload\TestFile1234.txtBIN I have used session putfile many times with no issues but having a special character in the destination folder name is a new one for me.

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Re: Put File Asterik in Destination Folder Name

I fat fingered my original note sorry. Corrected here. I have a client who wants files uploaded to a folder with an asterisk in their folder name. When I add this so my session putfile it removed the * and appends the rest of the folder name to my filename that i am uploading. for instance file name TestFile1234.txt destination folder
\upload\*BIN when I run the session put file it tries to upload to \upload\TestFile1234.txtBIN I have used session putfile many times with no issues but having a special character in the destination folder name is a new one for me.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Put File Asterik in Destination Folder Name

gtjr wrote:

for instance file name TestFile1234.txt destination folder
\upload\*BIN when I run the session put file it tries to upload to \upload\TestFile1234.txtBIN
If the \upload\*BIN is a path to a target directory, it has to end with a slash (and you probably want to use forward slashes):
See https://winscp.net/eng/docs/library_session_putfiles#remotepath

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