Script stuck on Nothing to synchronize
My script contains several synchronization statements:
If check for synchronization is successful in the first file source + destination the script says "Nothing to synchronize" and is stuck at the
Can someone please help? I've scoured this forums but not found a satisfactory answer.
"c:\program files (8x6)\winscp\" ^ /command ^ "open %connectionString% -hostkey=* -rawsettings FSProtocol=2" ^ "synchronize remote %Source1% %Destination1% -filemask=""*|*/""" ^ "synchronize remote %Source2% %Destination2% -filemask=""*|*/""" ^ "synchronize remote %Source3% %Destination3% -filemask=""*|*/""" ^ "synchronize remote %Source4% %Destination4% -filemask=""*|*/""" ^ "exit exit
command prompt. It doesn't move forward to the rest of the synchronization statements.
Can someone please help? I've scoured this forums but not found a satisfactory answer.