How to raise exception immediately when upload target folder is full
Hi, I'm a new comer for the WinSCP script programming. Currently I'm using the PowerShell to do an uploading function using
For example, I will uploading a 12G files to a 10G free space folder such as
. But I meet a difficulty.
For example, I will uploading a 12G files to a 10G free space folder such as
use the "Resume" upload option. The uploading will continue till the 10G free space filled. But in this time, it doesn't raise exception immediately but still try to upload until almost one hour later. Then it raises error like
I wonder to know if there is a way to raise exception immediately when the space is full. If not, how can I set the upload timeout value to a short time?Exception calling "PutFiles" with "4" argument(s): "Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond"