FTP script not post to a folder
I've just created a basic script to post some files from a folder to a specific folder in the FTP folder. The script works fine when I post it to the root. But every time I put a path understand this path as a command. I've added/removed quotations etc, but it is not reading the whole command ever.
This my first screen and I do not understand why this is not working as execute it in the console and the put works. The message I get is
I've just created a basic script to post some files from a folder to a specific folder in the FTP folder. The script works fine when I post it to the root. But every time I put a path understand this path as a command. I've added/removed quotations etc, but it is not reading the whole command ever.
This my first screen and I do not understand why this is not working as execute it in the console and the put works. The message I get is
Script: Unknown command 'PIMCORE/INPUT/'.
@echo off "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.com" ^ /log="C:\winscplog\WinSCP.log" /ini=nul ^ /command ^ "open sftp://syniti-sapcpi:yUgnzA0)@DP@!92@ftp-emea.aliaxis.com/ -hostkey=""ssh-rsa 2048 LEvLM3FyJJ/D20BvuaLQuF7qk8/Ps6g9tPJjTGEKie8=""" "put ""D:\BOA\DSP\Files\Transform\Export\PIMCORE\PIM*" "PIMCORE/INPUT/ ^ "EXIT" set WINSCP_RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% if %WINSCP_RESULT% equ 0 ( echo Success ) else ( echo Error ) exit /b %WINSCP_RESULT%