WebDAV connection fails
I have a site that I can connect to via Windows Explorer but the same site when trying to open via WinSCP is failing. However when a connection to the same site via Explorer is open (it remains so for about a minute each time) the connection can be made by WinSCP without problems as well. In spite of what the second topic says I have the same problems with Cyberduck. The log shows a scenario in which I try to connect via WinSCP and then also connect via Explorer during the retries after which the connection is made.
Related topics:
WebDAV authentication (Windows) not working
WebDAV connection fails with WinSCP but works with Cyberduck
Related topics:
WebDAV authentication (Windows) not working
WebDAV connection fails with WinSCP but works with Cyberduck
. 2022-08-31 13:28:52.965 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.965 Session name: UserName@webdav.website.com (Ad-Hoc site) . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.965 Host name: webdav.website.com (Port: 443) . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.965 User name: UserName (Password: Yes, Key file: No, Passphrase: No) . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.965 Transfer Protocol: WebDAV . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.965 Proxy: HTTP . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 HostName: proxy.somewhere.com (Port: 9480); Username: ; Passwd: No . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 HTTPS: Yes [Client certificate: No] . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 WebDAV: Tolerate non-encoded: No . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 TLS/SSL versions: TLSv1.0-TLSv1.3 . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: Yes, Cache: Yes . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 Recycle bin: Delete to: No, Overwritten to: No, Bin path: . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 DST mode: Unix . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 Compression: No . 2022-08-31 13:28:52.966 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.047 HTTP session to https://webdav.website.com:443 begins. . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.047 ssl: SNI enabled by default. . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 auth: Create for WWW-Authenticate . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.048 Doing DNS lookup on proxy.somewhere.com... . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.117 req: Connecting to 999.99.99.999:9480 . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.254 auth: Create for Proxy-Authenticate . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 CONNECT webdav.website.com:443 HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.255 Request sent; retry is 0. . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.392 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.392 Header Name: [proxy-agent], Value: [Zscaler/6.1] . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.393 End of headers. . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.418 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 200 (want 407), Proxy-Authenticate is (none) . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.418 Request ends, status 200 class 2xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.418 200 Connection Established . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.418 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:28:53.418 Doing SSL negotiation. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.069 Identity match for 'webdav.website.com': good . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.070 Verifying certificate for "*.website.com" with fingerprint b9:12:55:29:da:a3:ba:f3:3c:6b:c1:c4:6a:3a:07:a0:03:3b:5c:db:fa:5f:60:78:af:46:f3:af:4b:64:01:ec and 08 failures . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.126 Certificate verified against Windows certificate store . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.126 Using TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1.2: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.126 Request sent; retry is 0. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.414 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.414 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:28:54 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.414 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.414 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1293] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.414 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.415 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.415 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [Negotiate] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.415 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [NTLM] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.415 End of headers. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.443 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 401 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is Negotiate, NTLM . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.444 auth: Got challenge (code 401). . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.444 auth: Got 'Negotiate' challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.444 auth: Got 'NTLM' challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.444 auth: Trying Negotiate challenge... . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.444 auth: SSPI challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.555 sspi: Created context with SPN 'HTTP/appgw-prd-02.website.com' . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 auth: SSPI challenge [TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAt4II4gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKALpHAAAADw==] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 auth: Accepted Negotiate challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 auth: Sending 'Negotiate' response. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 Authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.556 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.557 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:28:54 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1293] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAACAAAABgAGADgAAAA1goni2LAmQ6B6tDQAAAAAAAAAAO4A7gA+AAAACgBjRQAAAA9DAEwAQwACAAYAQwBMAEMAAQAcAGMAbABjAC0AYQB6AC0AYwBsAHMALQBwADAAMgAEAC4AYwBvAHIAcAAuAGwAZQBhAHIAbgBpAG4AZwBoAG8AcwB0AGkAbgBnAC4AbgBsAAMATABjAGwAYwAtAGEAegAtAGMAbABzAC0AcAAwADIALgBjAG8AcgBwAC4AbABlAGEAcgBuAGkAbgBnAGgAbwBzAHQAaQBuAGcALgBuAGwABQAuAGMAbwByAHAALgBsAGUAYQByAG4AaQBuAGcAaABvAHMAdABpAG4AZwAuAG4AbAAHAAgAGi3r2Cy92AEAAAAA] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.793 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [NTLM] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.794 End of headers. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.804 auth: Post-send (#1), code is 401 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAACAAAABgAGADgAAAA1goni2LAmQ6B6tDQAAAAAAAAAAO4A7gA+AAAACgBjRQAAAA9DAEwAQwACAAYAQwBMAEMAAQAcAGMAbABjAC0AYQB6AC0AYwBsAHMALQBwADAAMgAEAC4AYwBvAHIAcAAuAGwAZQBhAHIAbgBpAG4AZwBoAG8AcwB0AGkAbgBnAC4AbgBsAAMATABjAGwAYwAtAGEAegAtAGMAbABzAC0AcAAwADIALgBjAG8AcgBwAC4AbABlAGEAcgBuAGkAbgBnAGgAbwBzAHQAaQBuAGcALgBuAGwABQAuAGMAbwByAHAALgBsAGUAYQByAG4AaQBuAGcAaABvAHMAdABpAG4AZwAuAG4AbAAHAAgAGi3r2Cy92AEAAAAA, NTLM . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.804 auth: Got challenge (code 401). . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.804 auth: Got 'Negotiate' challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.805 auth: Negotiate opaque parameter 'TlRMTVNTUAACAAAABgAGADgAAAA1goni2LAmQ6B6tDQAAAAAAAAAAO4A7gA+AAAACgBjRQAAAA9DAEwAQwACAAYAQwBMAEMAAQAcAGMAbABjAC0AYQB6AC0AYwBsAHMALQBwADAAMgAEAC4AYwBvAHIAcAAuAGwAZQBhAHIAbgBpAG4AZwBoAG8AcwB0AGkAbgBnAC4AbgBsAAMATABjAGwAYwAtAGEAegAtAGMAbABzAC0AcAAwADIALgBjAG8AcgBwAC4AbABlAGEAcgBuAGkAbgBnAGgAbwBzAHQAaQBuAGcALgBuAGwABQAuAGMAbwByAHAALgBsAGUAYQByAG4AaQBuAGcAaABvAHMAdABpAG4AZwAuAG4AbAAHAAgAGi3r2Cy92AEAAAAA' . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.805 auth: Got 'NTLM' challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.805 auth: Trying Negotiate challenge... . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.805 auth: SSPI challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.805 auth: SSPI challenge [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] . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.805 auth: Accepted Negotiate challenge. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 auth: Sending 'Negotiate' response. . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 Authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:54.806 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.027 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.027 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:28:54 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.027 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.027 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1293] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.027 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.027 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.028 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [Negotiate] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.028 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [NTLM] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.028 End of headers. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.028 Negotiate challenge failed, will try different challenge . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 auth: Post-send (#2), code is 401 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is Negotiate, NTLM . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 auth: Got challenge (code 401). . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 auth: No challenges accepted. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 Request ends, status 401 class 4xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 Could not authenticate to server: ignored Negotiate challenge, ignored NTLM challenge . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 auth: Create for WWW-Authenticate . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.064 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.065 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.065 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.065 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.293 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.294 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:28:55 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.294 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.294 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1293] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.294 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.295 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.295 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [Negotiate] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.295 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [NTLM] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.295 End of headers. ==== Repeated block 1/n ==== . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.330 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 401 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is Negotiate, NTLM . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.330 auth: Got challenge (code 401). . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 auth: No challenges accepted. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 Request ends, status 401 class 4xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 Could not authenticate to server: ignored Negotiate challenge, ignored NTLM challenge . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 auth: Create for WWW-Authenticate . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.331 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.332 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.332 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.332 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.332 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:28:55 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1293] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [Negotiate] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [NTLM] . 2022-08-31 13:28:55.536 End of headers. ==== /Repeated block 1/n ==== ==== Repeated block n/n ==== . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.938 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 401 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is Negotiate, NTLM . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.938 auth: Got challenge (code 401). . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.938 auth: No challenges accepted. . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.938 Request ends, status 401 class 4xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 Could not authenticate to server: ignored Negotiate challenge, ignored NTLM challenge . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 auth: Create for WWW-Authenticate . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:09.939 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:29:10 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1293] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [Negotiate] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [NTLM] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.162 End of headers. ==== /Repeated block n/n ==== . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 401 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is Negotiate, NTLM . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 auth: Got challenge (code 401). . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 auth: No challenges accepted. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 Request ends, status 401 class 4xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 Could not authenticate to server: ignored Negotiate challenge, ignored NTLM challenge . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 auth: Create for WWW-Authenticate . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.201 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.202 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.202 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.202 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.202 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.202 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 200 OK . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:29:10 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [0] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [allow], Value: [OPTIONS, TRACE, GET, HEAD, POST, COPY, PROPFIND, DELETE, MOVE, PROPPATCH, MKCOL, LOCK, UNLOCK] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [public], Value: [OPTIONS, TRACE, GET, HEAD, POST, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, MKCOL, PUT, DELETE, COPY, MOVE, LOCK, UNLOCK] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [dav], Value: [1,2,3] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 Header Name: [ms-author-via], Value: [DAV] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.403 End of headers. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.413 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 200 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is (none) . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.413 Request ends, status 200 class 2xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.413 200 OK . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.413 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.413 Server capabilities: 1, 2, 3 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.415 Doing startup conversation with host. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 Changing directory to "/". . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 Trying to open directory "/". . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 auth: Create for WWW-Authenticate > 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> > 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 <propfind xmlns="DAV:"><allprop/></propfind> . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 PROPFIND / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.432 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.433 Depth: 0 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.433 Content-Length: 84 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.433 Content-Type: application/xml . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.433 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.433 Sending request body: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.433 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.651 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 207 Multi Status . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:29:10 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/xml] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [870] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 End of headers. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 207 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is (none) < 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:response><D:href>https://webdav.website.com/</D:href><D:propstat><D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status><D:prop><D:getcontenttype/><D:getlastmodified>Wed, 16 Mar 2022 11:47:52 GMT</D:getlastmodified><D:lockdiscovery/><D:ishidden>0</D:ishidden><D:supportedlock><D:lockentry><D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:lockentry><D:lockentry><D:lockscope><D:shared/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:lockentry></D:supportedlock><D:getetag/><D:displayname>/</D:displayname><D:getcontentlanguage/><D:getcontentlength>0</D:getcontentlength><D:iscollection>1</D:iscollection><D:creationdate>2022-03-16T11:47:40.488Z</D:creationdate><D:resourcetype><D:collection/></D:resourcetype></D:prop></D:propstat></D:response></D:multistatus> . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 Request ends, status 207 class 2xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 207 Multi Status . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.652 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.653 Getting current directory name. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.695 Cached directory not reloaded. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 auth: Create for WWW-Authenticate > 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> > 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 <propfind xmlns="DAV:"><allprop/></propfind> . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 Sending request headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 PROPFIND / HTTP/1.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 User-Agent: WinSCP/5.21.1 neon/0.32.1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 Connection: TE . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 TE: trailers . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 Host: webdav.website.com . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 Depth: 1 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 Content-Length: 84 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 Content-Type: application/xml . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.717 Sending request-line and headers: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.718 Sending request body: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.718 Request sent; retry is 1. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.932 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 207 Multi Status . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 Header Name: [date], Value: [Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:29:10 GMT] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/xml] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1672] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 Header Name: [connection], Value: [keep-alive] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0] . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 End of headers. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 auth: Post-send (#0), code is 207 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is (none) < 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:response><D:href>https://webdav.website.com/</D:href><D:propstat><D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status><D:prop><D:getcontenttype/><D:getlastmodified>Wed, 16 Mar 2022 11:47:52 GMT</D:getlastmodified><D:lockdiscovery/><D:ishidden>0</D:ishidden><D:supportedlock><D:lockentry><D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:lockentry><D:lockentry><D:lockscope><D:shared/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:lockentry></D:supportedlock><D:getetag/><D:displayname>/</D:displayname><D:getcontentlanguage/><D:getcontentlength>0</D:getcontentlength><D:iscollection>1</D:iscollection><D:creationdate>2022-03-16T11:47:40.488Z</D:creationdate><D:resourcetype><D:collection/></D:resourcetype></D:prop></D:propstat></D:response><D:response><D:href>https://webdav.website.com/Export/</D:href><D:propstat><D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status><D:prop><D:getcontenttype/><D:getlastmodified>Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:11:04 GMT</D:getlastmodified><D:lockdiscovery/><D:ishidden>0</D:ishidden><D:supportedlock><D:lockentry><D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:lockentry><D:lockentry><D:lockscope><D:shared/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype></D:lockentry></D:supportedlock><D:getetag/><D:displayname>Export</D:displayname><D:getcontentlanguage/><D:getcontentlength>0</D:getcontentlength><D:iscollection>1</D:iscollection><D:creationdate>2022-03-16T11:47:49.994Z</D:creationdate><D:resourcetype><D:collection/></D:resourcetype></D:prop></D:propstat></D:response></D:multistatus> . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 Request ends, status 207 class 2xx, error line: . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 207 Multi Status . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.933 Request ends. . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.934 ..;D;0;2022-03-16T11:47:52.000Z;4;"" [0];"" [0];---------;0 . 2022-08-31 13:29:10.934 Export;D;0;2022-08-31T11:11:04.000Z;4;"" [0];"" [0];---------;0 . 2022-08-31 13:29:11.011 Startup conversation with host finished. . 2022-08-31 13:29:19.115 sess: Destroying session. . 2022-08-31 13:29:19.115 sess: Closing connection. . 2022-08-31 13:29:19.116 ssl: Shutdown state: not sent | not received. . 2022-08-31 13:29:19.116 ssl: Sending closure. . 2022-08-31 13:29:19.116 sess: Connection closed.