Trouble with the number of log files (Log File Retention)
Good Morning, I am trying to limit the number of log files I retain in my
Here is my command line:
Log files are being placed in the
I am currently using:
version 5.19.6 (Build 12002 2022-02-22)
Thank you in advance for any assistance in resolving this.
Rob Mahon
directory. I am currently using the following parameter /logsize=7*20K
. With this, I am hoping to only retain 7 log files in the \Log folder.
Here is my command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp" /script="C:\SFTP_DATA\sFTP_Script\sftp.txt" /log="C:\SFTP_DATA\sFTP_Script\Log\sftp_!Y!M!D!T.log" /loglevel=0 /logsize=7*20K
directory successfully. The job has run 10 time and I now have 10 separate log files. See below...
sftp_20230126211501.log 1/26/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230125211201.log 1/25/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230124211501.log 1/24/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230123211500.log 1/23/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230122211500.log 1/22/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230121211501.log 1/21/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230120211501.log 1/20/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230119211501.log 1/19/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230118211500.log 1/18/2023 21:15 12 KB sftp_20230117211501.log 1/17/2023 21:15 12 KB
version 5.19.6 (Build 12002 2022-02-22)
Thank you in advance for any assistance in resolving this.
Rob Mahon