Script for checking WinSCP Sync or Not
Hey, love this program. I need a little help with a script I have that performs a sync with a size against a local file and only performs the transfer and sends an email if a sync occurs, otherwise it should do nothing.
In my cmd file:
In my sync.script:
FTP and compare files, download if different...
It executes correctly with ERRORLEVEL 0 but does WinSCP provide an exit code to compare if there was "Nothing to synchronize."? I need this so I can perform a following
In my cmd file:
2batch2 winscp /ini=nul /script="C:\scripts\sync.script"
open sftp://<site> -hostkey="<key info>" synchronize local -resumesupport=on c:\scripts\ / close bye
FTP and compare files, download if different...
Searching for host... Connecting to host... Authenticating... Using username "<user>". Authenticating with pre-entered password. Authenticated. Starting the session... Session started. Active session: [1] <site> Comparing... Local 'c:\scripts\OlderFiles' <= Remote '/OlderFiles' Nothing to synchronize. Session '<site>' closed. No session.
statement against it to determine to copy the file/send email/etc.. or do nothing. Help appreciated in advance. Thanks. :)