SCP change from Connection error



SCP change from Connection error


This my user case: I need to connect to a several DietPi servers. These servers are using Dropbear as the default SSH server. And then they support SCP but not SFTP. Futhermore, I start the WinSCP from a script inside a tool that can only call to the WinSCP using regular parameters. Therefore, I can't select for a different protocol (SCP instead of SFTP).

I request if inside the...
Error - WinSCP" window with the message: "Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server send command exit status 127. Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running an SFTP server?
If you could add a new BUTTON to reconnect using SCP instead of SFTP. More or less like:
[OK] [Reconnect] [Try with SCP] [Help]
You agree?

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Because I can't configure the tool that calls to WinSCP. This other tool everytime uses sftp:// and the problem is when the server only accepts SCP (that's typical for dropbear and similar servers). Therefore, if the ERROR Window will contains a "reconnect" button that ask for the protocol (SCP or SFTP), then it will MOOOOORE EASY.

I hope you will understand the problem.
Thank you.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Sorry, I'm not going to add hacks to WinSCP, because of some other tool. You can make a wrapper application or script that will translate the protocol before starting WinSCP.

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