WinSCP v6.1.2 triggering reboot



WinSCP v6.1.2 triggering reboot


I'm seeing that WinSCP v6.1.2 is triggering a reboot of machines it is deployed to. It returns error code 1641 on deployment, and in event viewer on a target machine I see the following:
The process msiexec.exe has initiated the restart of computer PC01 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: No title for this reason could be found
Reason Code: 0x80030002
Shutdown Type: restart
Comment: The Windows Installer initiated a system restart to complete or continue the configuration of 'WinSCP'.
Is this expected behaviour?

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martin avatar

Re: WinSCP v6.1.2 triggering reboot

Is it a new installation? Or upgrade?
The installer deploys a drag&drop shell extension. When upgrading, that usually requires a restart, as the old extension is loaded into Windows Explorer. The normal installer is optimized not to replace the extension, unless there's a new version of it. So the restart is needed rarely on upgrade. But the MSI installer probably does not have this optimization.

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