Error of Form Progress, not found TBXDock.cpp
I have build all necessary libraries, including tb2k and tbxp, finally I can generate
But when I open the
I only find
What should I do can resolve this problem?
Another thing, could you tell me a little what you have modified for tb2k and tbxp?
So maybe I can modify it myself to resolve. In fact, I am a Delphier...
of WinSCP-6.1.2
But when I open the
form in the ScpForms.lib, it shows the error:
I only find
, but there is no TBXDock.cpp
What should I do can resolve this problem?
Another thing, could you tell me a little what you have modified for tb2k and tbxp?
So maybe I can modify it myself to resolve. In fact, I am a Delphier...