PAM Challenge


Tiziano Bettini Srl

PAM Challenge

Hi all,
I would write to you for advice, if possible.
I am experimenting an SFTP connection to an embedded machine using WinSCP .NET Assembly inside a PowerShell script.
Login process involves an SshPrivateKeyPath (with SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase) and everything works perfectly so far. But logon is multilevel, and there is a PAM OTP challenge, also, based on an OATH pseudo rolling code (the appliance suggests an eight-digit integer that is provided to an internal tool that converts it into a six-digit integer that must be provided as a PAM password).
If I use a test PAM module that accepts a fixed six-digit code, I can pass it as a string to the WinSCP.SessionOptions Password property and the system correctly completes the login.
However, I would need the assembly to print out the PAM challenge prompt and then allow me to enter the six-digit code related to the eight digits that the prompt suggests.
Is there a way to accomplish this task or I need to disable PAM challenge?
Thank you very much in advance.


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Tiziano Bettini Srl

Thank you very much!
I will stay connected, if one day it is in the plans to implement the function, I will gladly use it.
Best regards!

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