Text changes size in editor after resizing in browser???



Text changes size in editor after resizing in browser???

When I'm working on a website, I'll often use Firefox 1.5 to resize the text to see how "elastic" my website is durring development by holding down the control button on the keyboard and moving my mouse wheel up or down. This can also be done via control button and the '+' or '-' keys...


After I do this, I'll go back to WinSCP to continue editing my CSS or XHTML file via the "Edit" window. The strange thing is that when I go back to the edit window of WinSCP, the text inside of THAT changes size too!

What's up with this? Am I going to have to find a new editor? Any help is appreciated.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Text changes size in editor after resizing in browser???

I wan't able to reproduce that. What version of WinSCP and Windows are you using? Does the font size changes in the already opened editor windows?

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Re: Me neither

This happens to me all the time. V4.06 Build 358. And it happened with the earlier version. Nice editor, I really like it. A couple of times it did this font change thing and garbaged up my file by repeating about a 20 line section near the end. I'm using an old Dell Laptop, Windows XP home addition, latest updates (I think). It happens when I click on the editor window. Suddenly the font chages, usually to something too small. I'm logging on to our UNIX system IRIX64 6.5.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Me neither

jpenketh wrote:

Suddenly the font chages, usually to something too small. I'm logging on to our UNIX system IRIX64 6.5.
So what do you do to change font size?

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Text editor randomly increases/decreases font size

This happens to me too and it does when I am just editing. I am not resizing browser windows. Most of the time it happens, it happens while the mouse wheel is being turned, but I am focused in the text editor, not another application/browser. I am unable to restore it to the proper size. This has been a very long running WinSCP bug. In all fairness, I am still on 5.19.5 so I am not sure if this issue has already been addressed and fixed. Windows 11.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Text editor randomly increases/decreases font size

@Michichan: Windows Rich edit control (used in the WinSCP editor) has zoom feature that gets activated, when you hold down the left mouse button and roll the wheel. Isn't that what you mean? If it is, it's not a bug, but Windows feature.

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