Thanks but sync again...



Thanks but sync again...

In short, I wish WinSCP reads directories every time it changes the current directory. Mostly, I work with putty, and manipulate files and directories with putty, then want to see the effect. But, because WinSCP does not update unless it's a new directory or I push 'Ctrl+R', it's very inconvenient.

How about making an option for this?


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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Thanks but sync again...

Maybe I do not understand you, but how do you think WinSCP can detect that you have changed something with Putty?

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Re: Thanks but sync again...

martin wrote:

Maybe I do not understand you, but how do you think WinSCP can detect that you have changed something with Putty?

Well, sorry for unclear message before. Here it goes again:

I work with putty to remove or copy files/directories, and I also work with WinSCP for (mostly) copying and (rarely) removing files, too. Here is the problem:

WinSCP stores information (caches) list of files in a directory, and when I go up to the parent directory and then back, it shows the same list of files. But actually, I erased all the files with putty! WinSCP does not update the list of files unless I use the 'refresh' command, it's very inconvenient. How about make an option so that WinSCP reads list of files in a directory whenever it enters it?


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martin avatar

Re: Thanks but sync again...

clarification. wrote:

How about make an option so that WinSCP reads list of files in a directory whenever it enters it?
Turn off "Cache visited remote directories" on Environment tab of login dialog.

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