Issue with passing command line parameter (path) with space
One of the things we need to do sometimes, is retrieve the certain event logs from servers.
So far people would use WinSCP manually.
I am trying to get them now automatically via JavaScript with just single click from web status monitoring page, something like this:
winscp.exe /ini=C:\WinSCP.ini" SessionName1 /console /command "cd /home/username1/logs/uut/MN00093\IVT Gen2" "get event* c:\tmp"
Too many parameters for the command 'cd'.
I have tried everything I could think of... I tried doing
to escape the space, I tried the web standard of %20
- nothing works.
WinSCP version is 4.1.8 build 415.
Is there a workaround to this? if not this really needs some fix please.. asap :)
Also - one more question please: how do I specify actions other than the
parameter? so I can customize the actions via the command line parameters too :)